This is not some retarded makeup look that I chose to share with you - it's the what, where, why and how of eyeshadow placement. Using different colours I've created an eye diagram to show what goes where, why this is and how it should happen.
So here's a picture of my eye... excuse the unruly, un-filled in brows! And that little black dot on my lashes... that was a rather big clump of powder which somehow got stuck there. You dont need to see that. Trust me ;)
Below the picture is a colour key explaining what each of the colours represents... Enjoy!
Black: this is the inner one-third of your eyelid. Usually, you would apply the lightest colour to this portion using an eyeshadow application brush.
Red: this is the middle-third of your eyelid. Here is where you place the medium colour, again using your eyeshadow application brush.
Grey: this is the outer third of your eyelid. You should apply the darkest colour to this part, using an eyeshadow application brush. This part is normally blended out using a blending brush. Note: the green lines are overlaying the grey - so the grey area is present underneath them as well, you just cant see it.
Green: this is your outer V! And its called this because it looks like a sideways V. If you were to apply one shade all over your eyelid, you can amp up the look by applying a darker colour just in your outer V and blending it for a softly smokey look with added dimension.
Blue: this is where your crease would be when you open your eye. A really easy way of adding depth to your eye or a little bit of drama to your look is to add a darker colour in your crease and blend out really well using a blending brush! But remember, no visible lines!
Purple: this is the above-crease area. On this portion, your crease colour starts softly fading away and becoming lighter and lighter till it meets your...
Yellow: Highlighted portion! This is your browbone, where you will place your highlighter and what brush you use depends on what kind of effect you want - if you want a really obvious highlight, pack it on with an application brush, if you want a subtle effect softly swish it on with a blending brush!
This eyeshadow placement technique (lightest in the inner corner and getting darker as it goes out) is just one of MANY more! But its the most popular and that is why I chose to use it. There are so many other ways to do it... starting with the darkest colour at your lash line and and then softly fading away into the lightest shade on your browbone, etc etc.
I hope this helped a little bit! Let me know what you thought by leaving a comment below - it feels really good to hear from you and get some feedback on how you think the blog is getting on :)